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About Us
Endeavor Schools is a growing family of private schools that is united by the belief that families deserve schools that are worthy of their trust. Families deserve schools that are authentically committed to the safety, well-being and development of each child that they serve. Each of our schools is unique—and must be—in order to meet the specific needs of each local community.
Endeavor Schools employs a rigorous selection process for identifying prospective partner schools. As we integrate a new partner school into our network, we work to identify, celebrate and preserve its foundational elements—its core philosophy, pedagogical approach and traditions. At the same time, we believe it is our responsibility to challenge our schools to continue to evolve to better meet the needs of their community. We seek to engage families and team members to surface their hopes and dreams for their school, and then provide our schools with the tools and resources to transform those ideas into reality.
Mission and Vision
The mission of Endeavor Schools is to empower our schools with the tools, resources and support required to deliver on the promises made to our children and families. Our vision is to create optimal teaching and learning environments that transform the lives of those we serve.